Lily Again Ladder
Ladder rosary with upcycled green and black rondelle glass Hail Mary beads and upcycled metal, enamel, and rhinestone slider Our Father beads, with a flower Miraculous Medal center and a flared crucifix.
Symbolism in This Rosary
Green evokes vegetation, spring, and renewal. It is the color of life and immortality, and is used in the Bible often. The many Hebrew words for green separate out the life cycle of plants, with different words for the green of new growth, summer growth, and the green of mature plants and trees. It is, of course, the color of vestments for Ordinary Time.
Black, often associated in the Bible with sin and death, is an immediate reminder of Christ’s sacrifice for us---his death in atonement for our sins. Though black has a negative connotation in much of the Old Testament with few exceptions, Christ’s death, through grace, is our clean slate, and a touchstone for our prayers, much like the darkness at the beginning of creation---the start of something new and wonderful.
The white lily is a symbol of the Virgin Mary, dating back at least to the 14th Century, and perhaps as early as the 7th. It symbolizes both her purity and innocence, and the bulb's needing to develop underground for three years has a special parallel with Christ's passion.
The Miraculous Medal is based on an apparition of Our Lady of Grace to Sister Catherine Laboure. It contains an image of Mary with rays of graces extending from her hands with the words “O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.” On the back is a ring of twelve stars, the letter M surmounted by a cross, and two hearts---the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Our goal is to provide you a rosary, not just sell you a rosary. We use only stainless steel eyepins, linkages, and jump rings for both their strength and durability. If there is any defect in the workmanship of a rosary you purchase from us, please let us know, and we will make it right, free of charge, including shipping, within the first year of purchase. Also, for as long as we make rosaries (a lifetime, we hope!), if a rosary we made for you ever has a broken linkage, eyepin, or jump ring, we will be happy to repair it, with cost limited to shipping. Whatever we can do to keep you praying!